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    Swamp Ash 2 piece body blank kiln dried (SA 602)


    1 in stock



    Swamp Ash, a variant of the Ash tree, is highly prized for its light weight, resonant qualities, and beautiful grain. Particularly favoured in the musical instrument industry, Swamp Ash offers unique characteristics that make it ideal for a variety of applications.

    Origins and Characteristics

    • Scientific Name: Fraxinus pennsylvanica
    • Common Names: Swamp Ash, Green Ash
    • Habitat: Commonly found in wetland areas of the southeastern United States, particularly in the lower Mississippi River basin.

    Swamp Ash features a light to medium brown colour, often with a greenish hue. It has a straight grain and a coarse texture. One of the key characteristics of Swamp Ash is its lightweight nature, which is due to the porous structure of the wood. This makes it particularly resonant, which is why it is highly valued in the creation of musical instruments.


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